Customers continually report the single stateroom Aqua Lodge to be a great product for Casual Boating, Live-A-Boards and Rental units. We have had many requests however for a dual stateroom model gaining additional sleeping capacity for guests while also increasing opportunities for additional revenue in rental applications. Catamaran Cruisers has reacted too many consumer requests over 33 years through total “in-house” manufacturing and we have done it again. Catamaran Cruisers is proud to announce the introduction of the Dual Stateroom Aqua Lodge product line. This dual stateroom Aqua Lodge has the same features and functionality with a center stateroom allowing for a full bed and the capability to completely close off the room with pocket doors. The Aqua Lodge product has satisfied hundreds of customers “as is” but feel free to give us a call to see if we can accommodate any special request or need to enjoy a vessel built especially for you.


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